Update STAR\AR password in Clever
Updating AR\STAR password in Clever
If you are having issues logging into STAR\AR from Clever. Please follow the steps below. There are two different scenarios, please follow the instructions for the one that best describes what you are encountering.
Scenario #1 – Your password has not been reset and the Clever STAR\AR link fails to log you in and returns this pop-up window
Renaissance updated their system over the summer and changed any capitalized letter in your old password to lowercase. This is causing the STAR link in your Clever portal to fail as it is using your old password that still has capital letters. Follow the steps below to resolve this issue.
Click on “Show” and this will display the current stored password, take note of it.
Click on the hidden password, delete it, and replace with the same password but all lower case.
When done, click on "Update”.
Clever will now automatically log you in the next time the link is used
Scenario #2- Your password has been reset and STAR\AR link in Clever fails to log you in and does not allow enough time for to enter in a new password.
First you will need to use the link below to access STAR\AR directly. You will be prompted to change your password.
Fill in the boxes with your new password and then log out of STAR\AR.
Once your password been changed, log into Clever and use STAR app to log in. The log-in will fail here after a few seconds and the pop-up below will appear.
Click on the hidden password, delete it, and fill in using the new password you just set on the STAR\AR website
When done, click on "Update”.
Clever will now automatically log you in the next time the link is used.